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Simulation Development

Choose the right method of simulation development for your organization

By March 28th, 2012No Comments

Workplace training needs to be adapted to different workplaces, employee demographics and industries. If it isn't, there's only so much that program can accomplish. Fortunately, one of the most dynamic types of lesson is one that's conducted using computer-aided simulation development. Like other digital training techniques, simulation development is easy to mold and shape according to whatever talents or expertise an employer wants to share.

However, a business must decide which simulation development model provides the most value. There are multiple models and operations that need to be considered, and ultimately one (or a blended approach using a combination of every discipline) will appear more appropriate than others.

Skill simulation
Some employers don't need their workers to be well-versed in a variety of activities. Instead, it might be more beneficial to simply instruct personnel about how to use a machine a certain way or become an expert at a specific task. Port workers, for example, might be at their best when they embrace specialized roles. Therefore, a dockworker might not need to know how to use a computer to log containers if he'll only be working in the stacks, recording serial numbers and checking for discrepancies.

Role-playing simulation
A more detailed simulation development involves a worker taking on the role of an employee with several activities to manage. This could involve practicing the duties of a supervisor who needs to direct clerical workers, physical laborers and drivers to keep a container port running smoothly.

Strategy simulation
Some companies fill their most senior roles with people who are fully trained. Others want their personnel to understand company operations from the ground up. Either way, it can be useful to teach strategy through the use of simulation development. This model essentially gives workers the chance to use a number of learned skills to practice navigating a simulation.

Blended simulation
Of course, there's no reason any company should only focus on a single model of simulation development. A mix of these three styles can help to establish a well-rounded employee who can operate in many roles. He won't shy away from additional responsibilities that he's experienced, albeit in a simulated fashion, at some point during his career.

Contact Christy Beiermann at or 309.670.7595 and ask for an simulation demo today!