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New school year to see rise of eLearning classrooms

By August 9th, 2012No Comments

The fight for integration and hybridized classes seems to finally be winning, as the coming school year shows more institutions are making room in traditional teaching spaces for online and mobile developments. These tools stand to make classes more flexible, engrossing and diverse, plus it gives students and teachers the ability to connect outside of class as well.

Adding these kind of tools has been contested for some time, as providing young people with electronic devices in school was previously seen as a disruptive force. Teachers and administrators were concerned that pupils would use them to connect to unrelated internet sites and act irresponsibly on school networks. However, the flexibility and reach of technology has proven itself more valuable to include than worth keeping out of the classroom.

Adding eLearning to teaching strategy

Online training gives students the opportunity to connect with teachers and educational tools with the computers they already own. These devices have been in school arsenals for years, but most don't incorporate them directly into the learning environment, choosing to set them aside in separate classrooms and public access rooms. Now, though, these tools are being seen as part of the regular teaching experience, and educators have seen its value.

The Journal Star reported a study by the Cooney Center that found custom training software 60 percent of teachers agree that these online tools promote better collaboration, stronger communication and improve understanding of materials. Additionally, 70 percent said these tools heightened student engagement and participation, both online and in class. These tools provide teachers with a way of structuring the educational experience in a way that makes it more fun and engaging to pupils, thereby making it more likely they will absorb the things they are taught.

"We can be so creative with technology and allow kids to be creative in ways they never were before," said Mary Reiman of Lincoln Public Schools in an interview with the Star.

Mobile device opportunities

Classrooms are seeing more iPad app development and mobile training software as well. These tools allow students to more easily use the smartphones and tablets they already own, downloading and utilizing them quickly in an interface they're already familiar with. What's more, students can take these with them wherever they go, connecting to learning tools and opportunities even remotely.

Connecting with staff is also much easier as they simply need to enter questions and feedback into designated dialog applications and send these for a response. Teachers can monitor student use and success, allowing them to intervene sooner if a student is struggling with materials.

Students in Brentwood, California will be recipients of iPad app development this fall, as area schools have just purchased more than 100 devices to facilitate in-class and mobile learning opportunities, according to the Mercury News. These tools give students a way to see and interact with the learning experience in a whole new way, according to a spokesperson from the Brentwood Education Foundation. Not only are they great for traditional learners, the article pointed out, they also make it easier to connect with and teach special needs students as well.

Those looking to get the best benefit from mobile and online training app development should contact CSE Software Inc. for a comprehensive review of the tools and strategies available to them. The CSE development team can show you how to increase your learning strategies, boost productivity and engagement, all with the simple addition of mobile teaching programs.

Contact Stacey Burris at or 1.309.670.7595  and ask for a mobile app development demo today!