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Simulation Development

Simulated solutions take on a much bigger scale

By September 6th, 2012No Comments

Having a viable system for training any kind of environment or scenario is important when jobs require intense, specialized skills. These abilities are not always teachable through regular tools such as books or the spoken word, but require a different, hands-on approach. Unfortunately, that's not always an option for specific careers or environments, so employers have struggled for some time with providing adequate education.

Using simulation development has put businesses in a much better position to foster a well-informed workforce capable of accomplishing the tasks set before them with more accuracy and safety. In the past, such workers might have become frustrated and given up or otherwise could have suffered injuries due to lack of training, but with the right custom training software, these are worries of the past.

Digital training environments

Use of simulation learning puts the full experience of a regular day into the format of a computer program. People are able to review routine tasks and systems, test out specific machinery and work within the guidelines of expected standards without ever setting foot on a factory floor, behind a steering wheel or entering a line of service that would require such training and expertise. This saves companies the cost of redundant or ineffective training while ensuring better practices and productivity. What's more, these tools aren't limited to the kinds of employment that can be used to educate, so any business can find a practical application for this custom training software.

One such implementation has hit a grand scale even in terms of computerized representations. Digital Ship wrote that a new simulation development has been put in place at Bernhard Schulte Shipmanagement (BSM) to expedite the training of new personnel. This business is responsible for monitoring and maintaining shipping yards full of cargo, both in terms of handling and regular inventory control. The scale of this software encompasses the company's standing software, as well as the daily practices employees are expected to observe.

The added bonus here, Digital Ship wrote, is that current employees can use the system to review internal processes, resolve problems and come up with better standards of operation.

"Training with this (simulation) will vastly improve understanding and confidence of the officers who plan to serve in this category of ships," said Ravi Budhara of BSM's training center.

Hitting the road

Such comprehensive and powerful resources are also reaching for the cloud. As more workers go mobile, training is following suit, with mobile applications that also can access these programs from whatever smartphone or tablet a person prefers. The source said that integrating more mobility into custom training software will make it more widely accessible, therefore promoting broad usership of employees no matter where they are. It will also increase the lifespan of a single implementation, as these tools will remain popular and accepted, thereby avoiding more costly outlays of funding due to a lack of current training materials.

The Sacramento Bee reported that simulation development is now being encouraged with mobile carriers to increase the range of services this software can accommodate.

Companies that want to create simulations based on workplace activities at the office, jobsite and on the go, should contact CSE Software Inc. to find out what options exist both with mobile and standard simulation development. These programs benefit employees in many different ways, making them valuable additions to any company's training and human resources portfolio. CSE’s Serious Gaming Development Team has the experience to create the simulated activities that can train and educate your company’s employees, whether they need to learn a task, protocol or procedure.

Contact Stacey Burris at or 1.309.670.7595 and ask for a simulator development demo today!