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Mobile Development

New teaching solutions get alternative to fit technology

By August 15th, 2024No Comments

More than ever people are using smartphones, mobile PCs, tablets and other technology that are easy to carry. These devices have become part of everyday life, checked regularly throughout the day and relied upon for every form of communication from text to voice and beyond. What’s more, as a tool already owned and understood by consumers, integrating them into the workplace has become popular with employers as regular job appliances and bring-your-own-device programs.

It makes sense, that this medium would become the new migration destination for learners who want to do everything while on-the-go. Accessing educational tools while away from the office not only delivers teaching more quickly but makes the lessons more effective, as students are able to learn in a personalized fashion. As a cost-saving device, mobile app development can really pay off for business.

A growing wave

Despite the proliferation of mobile devices, custom training software is not yet being pursued by businesses in a way that fully profits from their availability. A study by the American Society for Training & Development (ASTD) in conjunction with the Institute for Corporate Productivity found that about one-third of companies are currently utilizing this technology, and even then, probably not to its full potential.

“Mobile learning is the current ‘new frontier’ for many organizations’ learning functions, and the most important thing that companies need to decide is what business needs can be met using this platform,” said Justin Brusino, a specialist in training software at ASTD. “The key is to think about what mobile technology enables — increased connectivity and collaboration, access to just-in-time information and job aids, etc.”

Companies looking to pursue mobile app development for their organizations should talk to CSE Software Inc. about the range of products and services available. Procuring a software suite for training that caters to individual employees and utilizes hardware they already own saves money for everyone and helps increase the acceptance of new educational tools.

A mobile revolution

The need for mobile app development is growing not only from the consumer end but also for providers. Educators have seen an increase in mobile tech use, with more teachers getting hired than ever before as alternative teachers or under similar titles and are specifically meant to work with mobile and online students. In some parts of the world, recruitment strategies are being reworked to specifically fill more remote positions than any other, phasing out traditional classroom methods altogether, reports ABS-CBN News.

“We really have to improve the guidelines because of the growing importance of ministering to the learning needs of non-formal learners who are away from the ordinary classroom setting,” Secretary Armin Luistro of the Department of Education, Philippines, told the news source.

Recruiting teachers to fill mobile training demand will help businesses cater to more learners as they will be able to constantly maintain and improve on the service. With so many companies still missing out on mobile app development, it’s important that they recognize the growing importance of this market and talk to CSE Software Inc. to explore a custom solution and keep their workforce from getting disconnected.

Contact Stacey Burris at or 1.309.670.7595 and ask for a mobile app development demo today!