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Webinars are excellent for conducting brief training sessions

By February 6th, 2012No Comments

Many of the training needs of private companies revolve around the fact that tasks need constant reinforcement. Many regimens are designed so that employees can become immersed in particular activities and learn the ins and outs in great detail. Custom software development is an excellent way of accomplishing this sort of long-term, detail-oriented education. Nevertheless, there are other patterns that eLearning programs can follow to help staffs become knowledgeable.

For example, webinars are quickly becoming a good way for organizations to supplement eLearning software development when necessary. While companies often want to update their training applications to teach personnel about a new technique or piece of equipment, sometimes all that's needed to keep workers up-to-date is a brief introduction.

For example, teachers who have used eLearning programs to become competent educators can learn a great deal from their software training programs. However, if a news story or major event needs to be addressed in the classroom, a webinar may be the best way for such educators to be taught how to handle the matter appropriately. A more detailed eLearning software update may be too much work for a brief, one-time addition to curriculum.

Contact Christy Beiermann at or 1.309.263.7595 and ask for an eLearning demo today!